Boy, if we, according to current popular advice, avoid all types of narcissists, assume they can’t be changed, where does this leave us?
In the 1970s when I was studying psychology, it was feared that our society was creating narcissists. Back then there was only one type, the narc gazing at their own beautiful reflection in the quiet waters.
Now, nearly 50 years later, my guess is that multiple factors contribute to the making of a narcissist.
And there are so many more of them. If isolation is the only change, parallel tribes develop. Unfortunately, the teams are not equal. Nor are the rules of the game.
Some strategies:
Winner take all
Finders keepers, losers weepers
All is fair in love and war
What’s in it for me?
And my favorite, Everybody wins!
Oh, I forgot one, Woe is me.
(What can anybody do?)
My memoir in progress,
Angels Whispered Giddyap!