I am greatful for this article.
Over time these “irrational” causing anxiety have played out. And I’m not talking about a self-fulfilling prophesy either. Rather pattern identification.
My fear comes from seeing the details in the big picture, patterns over time include human, animal, and molecular behavior. Considering how the winners take all camps insist on destroying various tribes that have a more long-term, ecological, and caring outlook, my fears about a dangerous world are not unfounded.
If antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds are necessary to block the natural human reactions to trauma, manipulation, coercion, and gaslighting — then I will opt for keeping some fear in my emotional repertoire.
In this vein, I maintainn that anxiety does not equal irrational fears. On the contrary, it can be a healthy reaction to a speeded up world chock full of some rather mundane things gone overboard. Marketing, for instance is now largely weaponized in parasitic pestering for anyone who dares to conduct research or purchase anything on the world-wide-web.
What’s your experience?