I know this term, bordering on trite. But mothers and basements have a different story to tell. She’s been working at a job that pays 83% of what a man would earn, with no sick pay, overtime, or retirement benefits.
Now is Mom to blame for her adult child rehoming himself just below the wide screen TV in her living room? Or that dorm fridge he hauled in from the curb across the street that’s now has stocked with Budweiser and baloney for sandwiches?
Really, in this time of the pink slip, let’s think of another metaphor for someone who ain’t gonna amount to much. My sister calls them a common waste of sperm but that may be too harsh.
Don’t want certain people to take offense at the word common — because their sperm might the greatest sperm ever. Especially since I heard on the TV that the vitamin B in baloney is real good for getting out there and fighting for the right to not wear a mask in public places during a world-wide pandemic.