Let’s examine learning. The GOP has created a self-sealing reciprocal loop. (See the work of management learning theorist Chris Argyris: https://hbr.org/1977/09/double-loop-learning-in-organizations)
If they wanted to learn, if they had a reason to want to lift the black-out curtain from the echo chamber they have created through their media outlets and mind-control techniques — well then, there might be a chance for true learning.
However mind control depends on systematic lies, gaslighting, and followers who pledge allegiance to a leader. It is reinforced through peer pressure and tribalism. Free thinkers are the enemy. Curiosity and critical thinking is the enemy.
Keep tickling the amygdala and make sure there is no time for learning or re-set.
My best guess about how to un-plug this sad case of fingers-in-ears-La-la-la… is to lower defensiveness by finding common ground.
Like, do all parties want a livable earth? Start there. Fascism is bad for business. Start there.
(You get it my friends,now go out and write.)