Me too!
I’m Super-Duper successful at this goal too.
This month’s haul was $0.01!
No publications, but more time spent reading wider on Medium, just to see what’s up around here these days. Again
I have decided not to crank out anything for the readers and writers that follow me here either.
Because the frustration fraction has flipped fun on its head.
My taste of Medium has been worse than chicken. More like that jar of fermented cod liver oil and butter I finally tossed out from my fridge yesterday. I kept it because I paid nearly $50 two years ago. But the fishbone burps and the 2021 expiration date finally outweighed the naturopathic principles and my Limey ankles for which it had been prescribed.
The key to life revolves around human behaviors. I’d hate to see the key to writers getting paid revolve around advertising.