This sounds like the hilarious and very effective party game we’ve played at Cousins Thanksgiving every other year. Only we draw something on a map-folded paper, extend the lines over the fold, then pass to the next person for their part. Repeat. (Dont rinse.)
If we draw an animal, #1 draws a head, #2 a torso, and so forth on down to the tail. Unfolding and sharing fall to the person holding the last segment.
What’s effective about this fun activity is the storied and explanations, the styles revealed — the ole center-stage behaviors of Cousin Jonny getting upstaged by quiet niece Maya, who’s brilliance is evident in her various detailed animal parts scattered in the compositions.
Energy shifts when we realize each other’s mindful contributions besides what someone contributed to the tub that holds our cold drinks.
How might writing, as suggested here enrich us? Let’s try it out.